ORS | Pyari Maa


Pushpendra Nath Misra

Diarrhoea is one of the leading causes of death among children. 

We created a spot to educate mothers about the use of ORS to combat diarrhea in young children and to inform them about the potentially fatal nature of the condition, if left untreated.

The song beautifully sung by _______ and music composed by Navdeep is an emotional ode to motherhood. Her relentless pursuit in raising her child even if it requires many sleepless nights and her seemingly effortless ability to multitask.

The ad was filmed in Madh Island, Mumbai. The character of the mother was extremely crucial for the spot. We found the right actor who brought out the emotions of a young mother trying her best, perfectly to the fore.

With its emotionally charged music track, this spot strikes a balance between celebrating the spirit of motherhood whilst maintaining an informational tone to raise awareness about the benefits of ORS to save lives of young children.

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