Our work is both popular and unique. We seek new-ness to cater to the ever-evolving taste of the audience. Popular culture, contemporary art and human behaviour are our points of reference. We strive to make the ideas impactful and share-worthy. While we have won many awards, our greatest reward is when our work itself becomes a part of the popular culture - ‘hit’.

Our Process in advertising

We believe that the means is the end. Our process is to make things simple and then add layers of meaning to it. The parts are opened up, reassembled differently, and new parts are almost always added to it. The creative industry is dynamic and ever-evolving. Its frequent tidal changes demand a disruptive yet systematic approach to the creation and consumption of content. We are always seeking a modern element while letting the wisdom from the past guide us to it. We have lots of brainstorming sessions and impassioned debates. There is always chaos before order.

You are important to our process every step of the way. Click here to collaborate with Flying Saucer.

We seek new-ness

We change our cooking styles and recipes to make new dishes so that they are always fresh and tasty. We focus on the script to pull out something special: the X factor that makes our films stand out. This element is elusive and could be discovered at any stage of filmmaking. However, the process of finding it is always the same; seek it constantly.

You help us define new-ness. Click here to collaborate with Flying Saucer.

We ask questions

Our focus is always on the brief and we let the need of the brand lead us. Every idea is heavily criticized and questioned at every stage.

Your brief is our magnifying lens. Contact Flying Saucer to discuss your ideas.

We ideate

For us, no concept is too small or a canvas too big. We nurture our ideas and we play with them.

You help us maintain our playfulness. Reach out to Flying Saucer to collaborate on a project.

We design things

Design is our constant ally in all stages of filmmaking. Creativity needs support. We make mock films and miniatures and test our ideas with storyboards and animatics. Art is extremely important to us; production design is half our filmmaking. Once on set, we go for the difficult approach, but it is made easy by rehearsals and tests done beforehand.

Your criticism gives us direction. Contact Flying Saucer to develop your ideas.

We execute

The idea has a voice of its own. As we let the brief lead us to the idea, we execution into layers and achieve it systematically.

Your feedback keeps us sharp. Contact Flying Saucer to discuss your ideas.

let's talk
Our Team
Pushpendra Nath Misra


Pushpendra is the director at Flying Saucer. He likes to relate jokes and tell stories and along the way he has won a few national and international awards. He is always listening to other people’s conversations at restaurants.

Sonali Bhatia


Sonali is the Design head at Flying Saucer. All aspects of art have to pass through her critical gaze. She works seriously but laughs when the joke is not on her.

Manu Swal

Associate Producer

Manu found her calling for filmmaking after moving to Bombay. Parent to two cats, she loves pizza, trekking in the mountains and painting. Having natural organizational skills, she believes in learning something new everyday.

Mugdhaa Ranade


Mugdhaa has a singular passion for writing, and finds humour in all things ridiculous. If you find her mumbling to herself, don’t worry: it’s probably the voice of a character in her head.

Amar Sachdev

Director's Assistant

Amar loves films, his camera, and chai. Though he can be tough to decipher at times, he will never refrain from critiquing (criticizing) the food in Mumbai while waxing poetic about Lucknowi cuisine.


Pepsi is our Office Diva. Mature and quiet, she can often be found curled up on a chair, pretending to be asleep.


Dulaari, is our resident puppy in disguise of a cat. Her hobbies include actively prowling the office and posing as a Cannes Lions trophy.


Once the youngest feline in the office, Sayani has matured into an elegant, self-assured cat. Still sweet and playful. Sayani can melt the coldest of hearts with a single look.


Noor is our newest resident ball of fur. He is a lot naughty, and a little nice. Noor is an adventure enthusiast, and enjoys practicing his tree-climbing skills on people.

What they say

Flying Saucer is an obsessive compulsive creative bunch that don’t settle for anything that’s not the best. It was a delight to work on Taj Mahal 1989. Cheers to creating many more stories together. 

P. S. They love their cats, work and chai, in that order.

Kanchan Marathe

Creative, International Originals at Netflix

Flying Saucer gave us one of our most loved films. It was also one of those rare times that production house was more demanding than the client and did more than was asked of them. Here's wishing the team many more years of success.

Shikha Gupta

Creative director at Swiggy India

Working with Flying Saucer is a great experience and pure delight. Just how good it is, will become apparent in the next line. We collaborated on the 'RBI - Paisa Bolta Hai' film. Pushpendra didn't leave any stone unturned to make sure RBI film was one that we won't forget in terms of the film itself and in terms of the happy and productive journey. 

Prasanna Sankhé

Co - Founder and CCO at Hyphen

Typified by friendly enthusiastic partnership, a free flow of ideas and a happy productive work environment.

Cyrus Oshidar

Creative director Bawa Broadcasting

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