MTV | Cannon


Pushpendra Nath Misra

This ad allowed us an opportunity to work with Cyrus Oshidar from MTV, someone that director Pushpendra Nath Misra had wanted to work with for a while. At the time, MTV was known for producing extremely humorous and fresh content. 

This spot allowed Pushi to move into a humorous direction, something he essentially always wanted to do. 

The idea germinated from Pushi who wanted to create a spot around the paan spitting culture in India. After several brainstorming sessions, Oshidar suggested that the spot be created around a band of brothers whose pan filled spit defeats even the greatest royal canons.

The ad was filmed in  Banaras, with some parts shot in Rajasthan. The shoot required immense planning, especially with limited resources.  We managed to film 7-8 spots in a span of two to three days making use of the properties rented in Banaras. 

At the time, Pushi was also a part of the Orbit White spot where he showed _______ the rough cut of the MTV ad who then chose to do the animation and graphics of the ad in good faith.

The casting of the ad was very crucial. All the characters in the spot were locally scouted. Interestingly, the main character in the ad had never acted before and he was cast based only on the basis of his photograph. The Maharani in the spot was played by Shrinkala - Pushi’s AD. 

The advertising spot with its humorous take on paan went on to become one of New York festivals finalists and still remains amongst the director, Pushpendra Nath Misra’s favourite spots.

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