Ceat | Laddoo


Pushpendra Nath Misra

CEAT is one of India's leading tyre manufacturers and has a presence in global markets.

In collaboration with Ogilvy and Mather, Mumbai, we created a spot to add to their popular, ‘Streets are filled with Idiots’ series. The creative on this ad were Rohit Dubey and Anup Chitnis.

To show reckless driving, the main concept revolves around a protagonist who has picked up her aunt in her car and the following situation occurs after she feeds her a laddoo as she is driving. 

The approach taken for this spot was to play it out like a demo without any supporting music which added to the relatability of the ad. The ad finds a balance between the relatability of the situation and slight use of exaggeration for humour.

The ad was filmed on a street using a two camera setup.

This ad with its tongue in cheek humour highlighted that it is wiser to take the onus of your safety with tyres that halt quickly because ‘the streets are filled with idiots.’

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